Monday, July 7, 2014

But Prove to Me Abortion Is Murder

Don't worry, this is a cat fetus, not a human one.
 I'm calling out all anti-choice/pro-birth advocates, arguing that abortion is somehow murder. That includes YOU Matthew Walsh.

Earlier this morning, I had the misfortune to read a blog post written by a male, about how abortion doesn't empower womyn (because someone like him would TOTALLY know, right?), but instead, makes them cruel, desensitized, and "disempowered". He goes on to give is privileged opinion on how womyn who receive abortions are murderers and victims without the slightest concern for the situation she may be in, or why she goes to get the abortion. People like this often believe that womyn are not entitled to control what happens to their body, and what's going on inside of it. They often jump (immediately) onto the argument that "abortion is murder", or that these womyn are "killing babies". I've often met these people in the bowels of the internet, who believe that it is their place to determine how others live.

Is Abortion Murder?
Murder is defined as; "the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another." ( But how can abortion be murder? Fetuses are not human beings. Fetuses are potential human beings. They haven't lived yet, nor are they alive. Fetuses need a host. A source to provide them with theire formation, that will give them the ability to live. They do not yet have human qualities. So my question lies; "How can you kill something, that was never alive to begin with?"

This is a serious question. Many have posed the position, that "life begins at conception". But how? If the fetus were to be removed/delivered from the womb without being destroyed, it would still die. From 0 - 24 weeks, a fetus is in the stage of developing into a human. Within these stages, it cannot feel, or think, or even breathe, so it cannot survive without a host. It cannot live on its own. Therefore, abortion cannot be murder.

I have found no-one who could refute this position (nor do they even attempt to refute my position thuroughly), although many tell me I'm wrong. But why? For once in this argument, I am genuinely interested in someone disproving my position, because it isn't a belief, it is just an idea.

Why Do Womyn Get Abortions?
Before I begin, I would like to state, that I should not have to explain the purpose of abortion to anyone. This is an extremely personal topic, that has withstood controversy and imbalanced, unjust criticism.

Abortions have become incredibly convenient ways to save lives, prevent the expansion of poverty, and also to prevent the diruption of womyn's social, interpersonal, and economic freedom. The reasons women have abortions are not simple and thus can be difficult to study and/or categorize. For some it's an inconceivable act, but for others abortion seems to be
the only way out of an unplanned pregnancy and an
impossible-to-negotiate future.

Preganacies can and do cause significant disruptions in the lives of many womyn. Considering their health, finanicial stability, education, mental/psychological health, careers, and many more. Even though pro-birth advocates are likely to portray abortions (or the desicions to have one), as monocromatic scenarios, they most likely aren't. Abortions have become useful components in protecting the lives and futures of many womyn.


1 comment:

  1. re "But how can abortion be murder? Fetuses are not human beings." - I expect people who want to ban abortion disagree with you about the definition of a human being and what life is. Eg although a fetus can't live independently it still possesses life ("the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death" - google) and though many legal systems are organised to agree with your definition of when a human being becomes such people like this geezer who spun you out don't.

    Just because something can't live on its own doesn't mean its not alive.
