Monday, July 8, 2013

Feminism & "Fauxminism"

Ahhh Feminism. The advocacy for women's rights, liberation, and empowerment. But many have that confused (especially air-headed popstars, MRAs, and even some of today's Feminists.) Although it's not hard as to see why that is. Since the late 1990's Feminism has lost the traction it has gained in the West during the early 70's, and rightfully so. The genuine Feminists didn't want the fight to last forever. Unfortunately, that isn't the way most liberal and college Feminists think today. They WANT to continue calling themselves Feminists. They WANT Feminism to last forever. But maybe, they don't know what it is, or what it means.

Because of this, the terms "Feminist" and "Feminism" have become as void, and vacuous as the hearts of chauvinists. The ignorance is what make Feminism vain. So many people who call themselves Feminists have abandoned the cause, only to sell-out to a system that is failing them, their family, their friends, their allies, even them. Pseudo-socialist communist capitalism. The elitist system that pulls grassroots power limb from limb, until it becomes a figurehead of a malign agenda. The innocence still rests in the hearts of the advocates, but so does the ignorance. They have failed to learn why they have received anonymous financial support from the wealthy, instead of vocal, or physical support. They don't care about our rights, they care about control.

Socialist-liberalism has infected Feminism to a point, where we are no-longer looking to revolutionize our cities and societies, but rather "reform" them. Leading many to believe that these problems are "fixable" if they're manipulated in the right way. For many feminists, socialism is an attractive political theory, because it seems to assure women of the end of economic inequality between working men and women. But but this type of reformism is a far greater danger to women’s interests. I know “reformist” is an epithet that may be used in ways that are neither honest nor very useful — principally to demonstrate one’s ideological purity, or to say that concrete political work of any type is not worth doing because it is potentially co-opt able.

Look at all the political mistakes they have manipulated Feminists into achieving:
  • Free birth-control at the expense of taxpayers
  • Free health-care at the expense of taxpayers
  • Shifting our enslavement from fathers and husbands to capitalism
  • Increased dependence on males and government
  • Increased dependence on approval
There are others I can list here, but I honestly feel like I should get to the point...

Somewhere along the way, the message was lost, and horribly distorted. This led many young women to believe that a Feminist is simply, someone who believes in equal rights and this isn't at all the case. A Feminist, isn't just someone who believes in equal rights. A Feminist is someone who believes in WOMEN. WOMEN'S rights, WOMEN'S empowerment, WOMEN'S liberation; and they fight for that.Of course, the fight should be over by now, but there are internal forces working against each other. Something we need to fix, before moving on to anything else.

It's honestly sad to see people inflate the term "Feminist" as it's destructive to the actual objectives genuine Feminists look to accomplish. This is the reason that we have so many people calling themselves Feminists, with conflicting (and sometimes contradictory) efforts. Feminism is not simply a "belief". It's a form of advocacy. Teach this to your sisters, and afterwards, we will destroy the friction that makes progress nearly impossible.

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